A Different Thread

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Into Unchartered Waters

The murder of Blarney crows comes down to peck at the corn and pumpkin remains in the front garden, as the clock ticks ever closer towards December.

Just a little over a month until we may have to part ways indefinitely.

We have been apart for the last two months and are grateful to be reunited once more in Ireland, just a stone's throw from Blarney Castle, where we take shelter with a musician friend, Leah Sohotra, and her family. 

Ireland is back in it's highest level of lockdown, but we are finding ways to keep busy and we’ve been able to busk some in Cork City.

It's been a joy to spend more time street performing and get back to our roots!

Leader Of The Pack

Our latest cover song is out tomorrow but you guys get to see it first! (We thought it was crying out to be rearranged into a 'Ye Olde Style' murder ballad...) Click here to watch the video!

The song was requested by one of our Kickstarter donors and is part of their reward!


Our Patreon page is in the pipeline, please take a moment to fill out this online survey.
Click here to take the anonymous survey.


This Friday, Bandcamp is waving its fees on all orders. If you are thinking about buying one of our records, (perhaps as a Christmas present for someone?) now is a good time!
Head over to our Bandcamp page on Friday!

Your fan,